Friday, November 13, 2009

Ready to Debug

Progress tonight.

I created the C:\Application directories for the jars. They are:


I then put the jars in there, closed Eclipse, started it up again, and had no errors.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Droid - Salesforce - First Steps

Well, I bought a Droid. I'm keen to get Salesforce working on it. I'm working on getting dai.odahara 's work up & running. I'll give tips on what pitfalls I encountered along the way.

Where I am now in the process - I've got the Android SDK running. I've installed Subclipse to Ganymede. I've done a checkout of the code. But, I've got a "Unable to get system library for the project" folder under the project.

... easy fix:

see article

Then, you'll have to add 2 jars:

gchartjava.jar - see project code

commons-httpclient-3.1.jar - see download page note it's described as Legacy