Friday, November 13, 2009

Ready to Debug

Progress tonight.

I created the C:\Application directories for the jars. They are:


I then put the jars in there, closed Eclipse, started it up again, and had no errors.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Droid - Salesforce - First Steps

Well, I bought a Droid. I'm keen to get Salesforce working on it. I'm working on getting dai.odahara 's work up & running. I'll give tips on what pitfalls I encountered along the way.

Where I am now in the process - I've got the Android SDK running. I've installed Subclipse to Ganymede. I've done a checkout of the code. But, I've got a "Unable to get system library for the project" folder under the project.

... easy fix:

see article

Then, you'll have to add 2 jars:

gchartjava.jar - see project code

commons-httpclient-3.1.jar - see download page note it's described as Legacy

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Keys Can Make Things Happen

Keys open doors, concepts, processes, etc. My goal in writing this is to share the keys I've found, with the hope that others will be inspired to do the same.

I work with the Salesforce product currently. I'm employed by a company that saw it as a good alternative to an aging, and bloated Lotus structure to support sales staff. Salesforce has done well. It's doing its job well. I'm hoping it will be asked to do more.

I can see how it has reduced inventory (the development 'work in progress' kind, in the IT department), I can see how it has reduced cost, I don't know how it's impacting sales.

It seems to me, that there's a huge opportunity in impacting sales. That will be some of what my blog will discuss.